A day to remember

 2012.07.16. 23:29

Crazy day. It came to my mind at half past 8 am that it's always party. After that it rained. I went to English. I went for a walk without any destination. I met Nick & Jack from California. They know how to live.

It's boring to see how everything's going on in the same way everytime. Yes, first it's cool, but later you realise that it's pointless. The World is worthless. People live with/for wrong values. I just wanna write. Maybe read. Don't doanything else. For a long time. Don't see in anybody's eyes. Don't see any smile. Max on pictures. I wanna disappear. But this time in another way. Life in chapters. You're up to sg, than you start to hate it, and love the opposite of it. afterwards hate the new choise and find a third way. When you're in it you love it. Later you can't imagine why the fuck was is good. I'm disappointed. goodnight maybe.

"magány más hiánya az egyedüllét önmagad"

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